8th Annual Conference
"Tend my sheep"
John 21:17

Resource Links:
Leadership Training (2023) -> https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=1945393332512690
Our Vision
The Vision of the Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society (OELMS) is to establish an independent missional and scripture-based Oromo speaking ministry throughout the world; most specifically to prepare and equip disciples of God that can penetrate into the non-Christian Oromo population and other ethnicities through prayer and with the Word of God.
Our Mission
The primary focus of the Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society (OELMS) is to establish ministry groups in the communities where the immigrant population is growing rapidly with special emphasis on the Oromo diaspora in the United States and connect them to local congregations of the Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod (LCMS), alongside efforts to reach and establish missions among the 40 million Oromo worldwide.
Our Multi-Cultural Future
A key goal is to prepare and equip the second English-speaking Oromo generation in 25 years to fully integrate and merge with the existing LCMS congregations. In order to achieve this goal, it will be important to identify common ground between the two congregations (Oromo-speaking andEnglish-speaking).
Copyright © 2025 OELMS
1074 Idaho Ave W, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117